Perú, #shotoniphone

I always knew it, but I was way too lost in technical details which are useless. At the end of the day, you either get the shot or not, and most of the times it just depends on how quick you are. Point-and-shoot cameras were popular for a reason (they still are), and it's because you get the shot as soon as you pull it out of your pocket. No metering and almost no composing. That way, and only that way, you are able to get the spontaneous.

That being said, I purchased the new iPhone XR before going on a family trip to Peru last January. I tested the option to shoot in RAW via the VSCO app, and was blown away by the quality of of the final images and especially the room for edition and color correction that you get shooting this way.

Here's a little sample of the photos I got using my phone on a month long trip visiting our Peruvian side of the family.

Gracias por leerme!

The Visual Stories are either a good starting point to see my work, or the perfect dose of personal photography before you leave. Your call.

An online gallery’s nice, but nothing beats a good old document with a bunch of photos.
Feel free to download the specific portfolios in PDF format from the links below.

Sports portfolio
Outdoor portfolio
Hotel, lifestyle and food portfolio
Fashion and lifestyle portfolio
Water and lifestyle portfolio