Visual stories

Cuba, the magic of imperfection

Tales and thoughts on a trip to the island

I visited Cuba in 2015. As many Canarios (people born in the Canary Islands), I do have family in Cuba, mostly people who migrated during the civil war and never returned . It was my very first time in the Caribbean country, I experienced it to its fullest and came back with a handful of film rolls that I developed, scanned but never used anywhere. Too personal for a magazine, too much hassle for a blog post. But here we are now, on a lockdown due to Coronavirus, the perfect time to go through all this material and making something nice out of it.

Cuba is a large island. One of the largest on the planet indeed, so you get to spend lots of time in taxis. I enjoyed shooting people and places through the old car windows.

There was barely 2 or 3 minutes time difference between these two photos. Same city (La Habana) and same neighborhood. Cuba's full of contrast, a place where beauty and decadence co-exist.

I bumped into these kids playing football on the street on the outskirts of Cienfuegos. I wasn't composing through the viewfinder so they wouldn't notice. This series is definitely one of my favorites.

Faces show emotions, but backs show an intention, a pure exhibition of one's own spirit and soul.

Two different views of Cienfuegos. This little girl was standing at a pharmacy doorstep waiting for her mum. I pulled out my camera and took her photo. She's just beautiful.

Just another building about to collapse in La Havana. I love the fact that there's a mark on the left door that resembles the girl´s hand on the wall.

I wanted to close this story with the picture below. Cuba's always a controversial topic, whether you like the island or not, whether you find it just another Caribbean holiday destination or a place to re-learn the human basics, it's no wonder Cuba´s a meaningful and life-changing place.

I shot this picture on a stroll in Viñales, and the shadow... that shadow really caught my attention.

Footnotes: Snapshots of 20 days on the road in Cuba shot on my Leica M3 and Rolleiflex TLR.
The Visual Stories are either a good starting point to see my work, or the perfect dose of personal photography before you leave. Your call.

An online gallery’s nice, but nothing beats a good old document with a bunch of photos.
Feel free to download the specific portfolios in PDF format from the links below.

Sports portfolio
Outdoor portfolio
Hotel, lifestyle and food portfolio
Fashion and lifestyle portfolio
Water and lifestyle portfolio